Enter a magical realm where famous Disney scenes sculpted in three-dimensional miniatures "come to light" through dimensional illumination. Introducing the Gallery of Light collection by acclaimed miniature artist Bob Olszewski. Inspired by Disney's beloved animated classics, these entrancing miniature scenes are a visual realm of beauty, depth and light you can enter with your eyes. Each "Gallery of Light" is presented in a specially lit shadow box format which includes frame and glass cover. The light switch is built into the frame - the on/off switch is the leaf in the bottom right hand corner. They were made to display on a shelf, desktop, or be hung on the wall. They will stay lit up for as long as the batteries last. All "Gallery of Light" will run on either "AA" or "AAA" batteries (depending on the design). The front frame is affixed to a box containing the scene. belle & beast entitled "One Wondrous Waltz" is 6.125" in height ans comes boxed with certificate of verification.
The Galley of Light collection ...Illuminated with light, touched with magic!